Solving problems with Django
A step-by-step guide to move your Django app from development to production · In this article, I will be walking you through how you can deploy your...
A step-by-step guide · In this article, we will be deploying our app on Heroku. Heroku is a Platform as a Service (PAAS) and they offer web server and...
The Heroku alternative you've been looking for · In this article, we will be deploying our Django app on Railway. Railway is a Platform as a Service...
Started this year as a Frontend Dev, ending it as a Backend Dev January Built my portfolio site Applied for a couple of jobs February Applied for a...
A guide to set up your Mailjet SMTP server in django · Hello there 👋. In this article, I'll be walking you through on creating your mailjet...
2020 was quite a year for me. How my year went: Resumed for my 2nd year in Unilag. Finally moved in to a hostel with my dad’s permission after he...